Pure Water Machine

How much do you spend a year on bottled water?? If you drink only 2 (16.9oz) bottles a day, at $1 per bottle. You are spending $730 a year. Even if you are buying the bottles by the case – you are still spending approximately $120 a year. That’s just one person. If you have a family of 5 and each person drinks 2 bottles a day…… (yikes)!

If you are opting for tap water. You may be saving money but you are getting chlorine, fluoride, aluminum, and other harmful chemicals. You don’t want that so you buy a filtration pitcher – but that is just filtering, not purifying it. Hint: there is a difference. Also, the filters cost approx. $6 each and last about 6 months. The water machine filters up to 6,000 gallons or last over 10 years if you consume a gallon and a half a day.

Clean, Delicious Water from your own kitchen

The Water Machine will allow you to purify any water (except sea water). It is the most eco-friendly purifier you can find. Say goodbye to the cost of bottled water, say goodbye to the harmful chemicals, in tap water, and save the environment in the process. Imagine spending less than 2¢ per gallon.

The water machine has 2 chambers, upper and lower. Water passes through the upper then is stored in the bottom chamber which holds 3 gallons of water with cutting edge gravity purification elements. Fill it at night and in the morning you will have clean, pure water. Yum!

A Friend to the Environment

The all glass filtration system, leaves no metallic or plastic taste to the water and reduces plastic waste in the environment. A portion of the sales goes to a non-profit organization that help people get clean water. Your purchase helps many more people than you can imagine. So, not only are you helping your own body feel better with this clean water but your soul as well.

pure water
Help Eliminate This!!

What Chemicals are Removed by using the Water Machine?

  • Bacteria like E. coli
  • Chlorine
  • Viruses
  • Chloramines
  • Parasites
  • Fluoride
  • Heavy Metals
  • Trihalomethane (THMs)
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Petroleum Contaminants
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA)
  • Radiologicals
  • Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS)
  • Herbicides & Pesticides

99% Bacteria Free 

Absolutely pure, clean water. Delicious!! No more bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, and other harmful chemicals. Maintain the benefits of minerals that your body needs. Easy to assemble. To allow the filters to least longer it is advised that you clean them at least once a year. You can place the water machine on the floor stand or a countertop.

Benefits of Drinking Water

As adults our bodies are 60% water and our blood is 90% water. There really is no specified amount of water we should drink in a day. But it is essential for the kidneys to function properly, as well as other bodily functions. Drinking water rather than soda, including diet soda can help with weight loss, and it boosts skin health. Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration which affects brain structure and function. Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning. It can also lead to digestive problems, like constipation. Also heartburn, and stomach ulcers. Drinking water before meals can help prevent overeating.