Plôs for your Coffee – and Weight Loss

Well, not actually coffee but a non-dairy creamer to add to the coffee you already love. Whether it is the coffee from home or your favorite barista. This could be just what you have been looking for to take off those extra pounds (I surpassed my goal weight). It is not a disappointing instant coffee, plôs (pronounced ‘plus’)Thermo is a French Vanilla flavored non-dairy creamer you’ll love adding to your coffee. The first in our line of beverage companions, it is designed for adding to your favorite beverage for a little something extra!

Are you looking for a way to enjoy the foods you love and still lose weight. I never did like it when people say “If I can do it, you can do it“. Because everyone is different, their situations are different and not everything works for every person. But plôs Thermo is amazing and I have known so many people that have had success by just adding it to their morning coffee, or tea, or “drink it straight“. If you already drink coffee every morning, TRY IT – what have you got to lose. Except the weight.

Someone once said to me, Live the Life You Love. Which includes eating the foods you enjoy (within reason)! With this delicious coffee in the morning, you can eat the things you love without the worry or guilt of what it may do to your waistline.

The best thing about plôs Thermo is it will allow you to lose unwanted pounds. All you have to do is add this to your coffee.

I may not be a typical person when it comes to my eating habits, routines and lifestyle. I can’t say I’m a “Foodie”! But I do love good food, and good wine…. and hey who can resist the occasional piece of cheesecake or chocolate? I also don’t believe those commercials for diet products where the people say “I was never hungry“. That’s impossible, our bodies just don’t work that way. Eventually we all get hungry, but adding this to your coffee you may find yourself being satisfied with less food.

We all want to wake up and be energized enough to get on with the Day.

To be able to give it your all, ready to make a difference, and focus daily on your goals.

This could be your solution. And it is as easy as changing nothing more than how you drink your morning cup of coffee. That is all – no need to change anything else!

This is where comes into your life. Plus, you are able to share this with those around you. You have now found the best of the best of weight management and you will not want to keep it a secret will want to share it with anyone you can. We only live once right?

plôs Thermo  – IT IS AMAZING how this stuff that helps you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. And those stubborn INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt. You are able to lose weight and keep it off without those nasty crash diets, severe diet or restrictions. Just add plôs Thermo to your morning beverage. It will make you feel great and gives you a lot of energy. As long as you are smart about it by, eating sensibly, then enjoy a great Dinner throughout the week. You can also have your fun, and “splurges“. It allows you to look and feel great! If you are looking for a delicious “splurge“, what could be better than one or two of these Gut-Friendly Cookies.

  • No need to exercise, although exercise is not a requirement for this to work, it’s really not a bad idea to stay active*.
  • You won’t have to eat foods that you don’t like just because it is part of some “plan“.
  • No need to alter your lifestyles.

Need one less thing in Life to cause stress?

Life throws us so many curves between our families, our jobs, paying bills. Then just when you think you’re getting ahead, the car breaks down, or the refrigerator goes on the fritz….. AGGGH!! We need something that is easy, and what could be easier than having a Coffee that melts away the pounds.

OH… if you need help with the bills… be sure to check out the Business Side of how to not only lose the weight, but lose the debt!

*As with any dietary supplement; consult your health care provider before making changes to your daily routine.